Friday, June 12, 2009


I can't believe it's been almost a YEAR since I last posted!

Well, our house sold in March. How encouraging it is to see God working. We've purchased 80 acres and are about to begin building as soon as we can get a road in. (Once we get to the property, we travel up to our campsite on the ATV.) We've set up housekeeping right there in the woods. :) This is part of our current "driveway".

This is a sample of one of our meals. Oh it was so good. It's been a few weeks now and we're all getting pretty good at campfire cookery, although we lost a few pieces of toast along the way. ;) Everything just cooks so much faster!Well, I have lots of pictures and weeks of adventure I could write about. I'll have to save it for another's really late and I need to get to bed. We're down in town for a few days so I thought I would take advantage of an available internet connection.


Debbie Ann said...

Congratulations! I'm really very happy for you guys.

We too have been praying and looking for a new home/property in the country or mountains. Your story gives me hope that God is truly looking out for His people in these last days.

Living in the country (or mountains) will be so much easier to hear His still small voice. May He continue to bring abundant blessings to you & your family!

Thanks for coming back to share your good news. :)

~yolanda said...

Hey Penny! Thanks for stopping by. I posted more pictures of the clapotis on my blog that show me wearing it.

Melissa said...

I am so glad you posted again... I can't wait for you to share your pictures! Oh how neat to see you set up home like this. Will you have shelter by winter? Enjoy the pioneer living!

Oh, I almost forgot. I nominated you for the Sisterhood Award. Come to my blog and pick it up!

Warmly, ~Melissa