Hi Angela. We owe a little bit of money on the land across the lane and we don't feel like this is a good time to be in debt. This move was a BIG move up for us - as far as house size- and we've learned some lessons about ourselves and what we really need. We're ready for more land and less house. :)This place is quiet and peaceful though and we have plenty of room for gardens and animals. So, if the Lord keeps us here I know He'll help us.
I know how it is. We feel time is soooo short! We have the the house payments and we are thinking maybe to sell and just be free... but I don't really know what the Lord wants. We were not so sure we would make it to Africa, but now we feel like we will get there. Will we make it back before things erupt? Time is so short. I guess what matters to God is, are we willing to give it up for HIM?
why are you selling?
Angela Ford - AHE
Hi Angela. We owe a little bit of money on the land across the lane and we don't feel like this is a good time to be in debt. This move was a BIG move up for us - as far as house size- and we've learned some lessons about ourselves and what we really need. We're ready for more land and less house. :)This place is quiet and peaceful though and we have plenty of room for gardens and animals. So, if the Lord keeps us here I know He'll help us.
I know how it is. We feel time is soooo short! We have the the house payments and we are thinking maybe to sell and just be free... but I don't really know what the Lord wants. We were not so sure we would make it to Africa, but now we feel like we will get there. Will we make it back before things erupt? Time is so short. I guess what matters to God is, are we willing to give it up for HIM?
Hi. Are you still selling your home?
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