Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Coming along nicely...

This picture was taken in January. I love the porches - especially the sleeping porches. This view is of the back of the house. Orchard on this side, raised bed gardens on the other. Drew built 19 !! with the boys' help. I am so happy. God is good.

Stairs!! They are complete now and am I glad. 

The garden beds last month. (Taken from the porch off of our room upstairs.) Since then we've been digging, digging, double digging. Lots of amending too. Lots. I should post a recent picture. It is much more encouraging. They are now planted with green plants coming up everywhere. The yard is still NOT a yard but that will come later. At least it's not mud anymore like in this picture. 


Unknown said...

How nice to find a post from you in my blog reader, I've been thinking about you!

With 19 raised beds, it looks like you will have a busy summer keeping up with your garden, how wonderful.

I love porches and yours are just beautiful. Thanks for the update.