Wednesday, May 2, 2007

"Foiling" the cutworms

We set our tomato plants out in the garden several days ago. 30 of them. The very next morning I found 2 of them snipped off right at the base. They were 2 of the 6 Cherokee Purple that I am so looking forward to. I dug around to see if I could unearth a cutworm, but I didn't find it. The next morning...2 more down. This time they were the Pineapple tomatoes. I was talking with the neighbor and she said to put foil around them. I was going to set cans down over the plants but thought this foil idea might work better. I'm not sure if she meant to do it like this, but so far it is working!


Elizabeth Joy said...


I'm so happy to meet you. Thank you for stopping by my blog, so I could come by your blog.

My dad used to keep away cut worms by cutting out the bottom of a paper cup, and slipping it down over the plant when he first set the plant out. Have the cup in the soil just a little ways, and the rest like a collar around the base of the plant. I've never thought of foil, but it might work too, without having to figure out how to pull a cup over a plant.

I looked down through your blog and saw that you watercolor and you do it with your kids. Wonderful! I love to watercolor too. There is a little of my work scattered through my blog. I don't get to do it at often as I'd like. The kids love to watercolor too. What fun!

If you don't mind, I'm going to subscribe to your blog with bloglines so I can keep up with what your write. It seems we have many thing in common.

Elizabeth Joy

Penny said...

Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes, it seems we have some things in common. I enjoy your blog...your photos, experiences, and the lessons you are learning with your children.